Who Is Aplatypuss' Wife? Meet Taryn Hillin

Wait, First of All, Who Is Aplatypuss?

Aplatypuss, aka Max Gamble, is a variety streamer on Twitch. He started streaming on Twitch in 2014, and made partner shortly after. You can learn more about him in this “Get To Know Aplatypuss” post.

Who is Aplatypuss’s Wife?

Aplatypuss’s wife is Taryn Hillin, a journalist and screenwriter. She previously worked at TMZ, The Huffington Post, and Fusion after graduating from Yale. She’s currently a part of Sony Television’s Diverse Writers Program.

What Kind Of Cancer Did Aplatypuss’s Wife Have?

Taryn, aka Aplatypuss Wife, was diagnosed with Stage IIIC high-grade small-cell neuroendocrine cancer in 2019. She went through surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation until spring 2020. She has been cancer-free ever since. She now helps other cancer patients and people battling chronic illness through her Instagram account @TheAntiCancerLife. You can also check out her website www.tarynhillin.com.

Does Aplatypuss’s Wife Play Video Games?

Hell yes! She plays exactly three games: Dark Souls, Dark Souls 3, and Dark Souls 2. She’s dabbled in Bloodbourne and Demon Souls but has yet to commit. (She also technically plays JackBox on stream.)

What Kind Of Stuff Does Taryn Write?

Taryn has had two movies produced, A Stranger In Paradise (2014) and Pernicious (2015). She also wrote a young adult fantasy novel called The Imati. Her journalistic work has been cited in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Slate, Cosmo and more. She’s currently working on a TV pilot and is part of the Sony Television Diverse Writers Program.

How Did Aplatypuss and His Wife Meet?

It’s actually super cute. They met at his parents’ Christmas party in 2013. Some say it was love at first sight.

I Want To Be A Writer, Can Taryn Help Me?

Yes! You can check out her website, www.tarynhillin.com, and fill out the “contact me” form. She’s happy to answer questions about screenwriting, journalism or anything writing related. Just don’t send her unsolictied scripts or manuscripts — she legally can’t read them.

Did Aplatypuss’s Wife Write THIS?

Yes, yes she did.

taryn hillin